I believe food is the foundation for boosting your energy. More fruits and vegetables and less processed foods will give you more energy.
Yet we find lots of excuses to not change our fatigue producing ways. One of the biggest “reasons” I hear holds people back from eating for more energy is the belief that it takes hours in the kitchen. That’s hours you don’t have to give.
I want to share with you a 4 superhero tips I teach to make eating for more energy a snap.
I know it sounds simple, but it is the key to creating more energy. Whether planning meals or planning time to clear your mind, you have to have a plan. It’s the only way to more energy.
Here are my 3 favorite tips for making sure you always have something to eat that will give you energy, not take it away.
Healthy Staples. I used to come home, look in a refrigerator full of food and pronounce there was nothing to eat. Sound familiar? Sure there was food there, but it needed to be prepared. That seemed complicated. I then learned how to keep some healthy staples at the ready. Some of my favorites are chia seed porridge (perfect for mornings on the run or a quick, satisfying snack) and tahini dressing I can put on a salad or steamed vegetables.
I also love my cilantro pesto, which happens to do wonders for removing those fatigue inducing heavy metals from your body. Mix it into your gluten-free pasta or slather it on a piece of gluten-free toast for a filling snack.
2 bunches of cilantro 2/3 cups olive oil 4 cloves of garlic 1/3 cup brazil nuts 1/3 cups sunflower seeds 1/3 cup pepitas Juice of 2 lemons ¼ tsp dulse powder (kelp granules found in natural foods stores or Asian markets) 1/8 tsp salt 3 sprays of Bragg’s amino acids
Process cilantro and oil in a food processor until cilantro is chopped.Add the garlic, nuts and seeds, dulse and lemon juice. Process until you have a finely blended paste. Add salt and Bragg’s (if using).Store in glass container. Use on gluten-free pasta or bread, serve with carrots or celery as a dip.
Pack Smart. Don’t be without some healthy snacks in your purse. When your errands take longer than you think, the McDonald’s can start to sound really good. I know, I’ve eaten far too many Egg McMuffins in my life. And I’ve learned that when I’ve gotten to this point, I’m in trouble. So now I load my purse with nuts and healthy snack bars. One of my favorites are the Pure bars. I love the blueberry.
Unpack With Care. I used to get over zealous at the farmer’s market (I’m sure I’m the only one, right?). I would buy enough produce for an army, only to find that a week later it was slimy. Ugh. Here’s how I turned that problem around and protected my investment. When you get home with your beautiful, fresh farmer’s market bounty, don’t put it away immediately. Some vegetables can be prepped ahead of time, making it easy to whip a meal faster than a speeding bullet. For instance, cauliflower and broccoli can be washed, cut up and bagged. Take them out, place them in a steamer basket, steam for 5-8 minutes, put it on a plate and drizzle with the tahini dressing. Dinner in under 10 minutes.
See, it’s not so hard to be an energized superhero. With these quick tips, you no longer have an excuse to reach for the candy bar, crackers or fast food. You have what you need to generate your superhero powers, all within reach.